Friday 10 August 2007

From The Innocence Project

Why does criminal justice reform matter to you?

We asked people why criminal justice reform matters to them, and they spoke up.
Hear what people are saying — watch a one-minute video on our website.
Every American is impacted by wrongful convictions in some way. That's why our efforts to turn the lessons of DNA exonerations nationwide are gaining unprecedented momentum.
Add your voice!
With your help, this video will send a powerful message to policymakers and the public that wrongful convictions must be addressed and prevented.
Record your own video and send it to us. We'll add as many submissions as we can to the "It Matters to Me" video, making it a strong call for reform. To submit, simply reply to this email and attach the digital video. Want to know more? Watch interviews with exonerees, learn how to record your own video, and more at

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