Tuesday, 3 April 2007

UPDATE: Stay of Execution for Bruce Webster

UPDATE: Stay of Execution for Bruce Webster

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We have confirmed with the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) that Bruce Webster's April 16th execution date has been stayed. There was a lot of confusion about this case, because the BOP's news page still has the announcement of the execution date posted, and the AP ran a story a few days ago indicating that the execution was still scheduled for that date. However, as this entry in NCADP's Abolish the Death Penalty Blog over the weekend discussed, there have been many reports, including from pen friends of Webster, that a stay was in place. Capital Defense Weekly posted a copy of the stay order on their blog today. The order, which grants Webster's motion for a preliminary injunction, is dated February 16, 2007. Apparently, the stay went under the radar, and the reports from the press and BOP led many (including Amnesty International) to believe that the April 16th date was still set. The BOP informed us this morning that no new date has been set for Bruce Webster, but that his execution has indeed been stayed. We will continue to provide updates on this case as we receive more information.

John Carella
Program to Abolish the Death Penalty
Amnesty International USA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This piece of scum Webster and three slime co-horts kidnapped a 16 yo girl, raped her repeatedly with 3 others, hit her in head with a shovel and buried her alive in a grave. Webster and his 3 co-horts deserve to be thrown through a tree chipper.

Human defective scum not worth wasting a penney of our societies tax dollars.