Friday, 13 April 2007

Endorsing the Gitmo Kangaroo Courts despite the fact that they have been condemned by every human rights organization in the world

The latest edition of the American Journal of Imperial Law has an article by Harvard Law School's Bemis Professor of International Law Detlev Vagts endorsing the Gitmo Kangaroo Courts despite the fact that they have been condemned by every human rights organization in the world as well as by the United States Supreme Court in Hamdan.

I am not going to bother to repeat here all the grievous deficiencies of the Gitmo Kangaroo Courts under international law and US Constitutional Law.

But I have been personally involved in five court-martials under the Uniform Code of Military Justice over the years involving war: USMC Jeff Paterson, the first military resistor to Gulf War I by Bush Sr; Captain Dr. Yolanda Huett-Vaughn, the highest ranking officer to be court-martialled for refusing to participate in Bush Sr's Gulf War I; Capt Lawrence Rockwood, court-martialed by the Army for trying to stop torture in Haiti; Staff Sgt Camilo Mejia, the first military resistor to Bush Jr's war against Iraq; and now Lt. Ehren Watada, the first commissioned officer to be court-martialled for refusing to participate
in Bush Jr's war against Iraq. See my forthcoming Protesting Power: War, Resistance and Law (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc).

As i can attest from my personal experience, everyone of these court-martials under the UCMJ have been Stalinist show-trials by the military.

These five UCMJ court-martials involving war prove the old adage attributed to Groucho Marx that military justice is to justice as military music is to music. And the Gitmo Kangaroo Courts are not even run in accordance with the UCMJ despite the fact that the US Supreme Court in Hamdan ruled that they should be.

Whenever they are up and running the Gitmo Kangaroo Courts will constitute Stalinist Show Trials as well as Kangaroo Courts.

And the fact that the Bemis Professor of International Law at Harvard Law School has publicly endorsed the Gitmo Kangaroo Courts despite Hamdan proves that Harvard has a Kangaroo Law School:Harvard Kangaroo Law School.

Along with the 4 torture mongerers on the HKLS Faculty: Dersh;Parker;Goldsmith and Waco Phil Heymann. And their 2 certifiable war criminals: Dersh and Goldsmith. And the Dean of the Harvard Kangaroo Law School Kagan who boasted in the Washington Post that she is "so proud" to have hired their war criminal Goldsmith. And in the Boston Globe Kagan boasted that the "future of international legal studies" at Harvard Kangaroo Law School is in the "good hands" of their war criminal Goldsmith.
The Harvard Kangaroo Law School Faculty and Deans are no longer fit to educate Lawyers, Members of the Bar, and Officers of the Court. They are a joke and a fraud. Groucho Marx would have a field day with them:Harvard is to Law Schools what Kangaroos and Torture are to Law.
Francis A. Boyle
former Chair, HLS Fund Campaign for Greater Illinois
Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (Voice)
217-244-1478 (Fax)
(personal comments only)

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