Tuesday, 3 April 2007

3 executions scheduled for April, 2 in Texas

National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

e - @ b o l i t i o n i s t
April 2007

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NCADP 2008 Annual Conference

Jan. 17-20

San Jose Holiday Inn

San Jose, California

3 executions scheduled for April, 2 in Texas

James Lee Clark is scheduled to be executed by the state of Texas on April 11.

Ryan Dickson is scheduled for execution on April 26, by the state of Texas.

Read more about these and the other cases below -- and ACT!

Do Not Execute James Lee Clark!

The state of Texas should not execute James Lee Clark for his role in the murder of Shari Catherine Crews. In June 2002, the Supreme Court ruled in Atkins v. Virginia that the state cannot execute someone who is mentally retarded. Several experts have found Clark's IQ to be under 70, thus fitting the definition of mental retardation.

ACT NOW by contacting Gov. Rick Perry requesting that he stop the execution of James Lee Clark!

Read More and Take Action at: http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=7133

Do Not Execute Ryan Dickson!

The state of Texas is scheduled to execute Ryan Dickson on April 26 for the 1994 murders of Carmelo and Marie Surace.

There is a question as to whether or not a juror in the trial phase withheld information about prior knowledge of the case. Furthermore, the trial judge has stated that he believes Dickson deserves a new trial due to evidence that the prosecution withheld.

ACT NOW by contacting Gov. Rick Perry requesting that Ryan Dickson's execution be halted!

Read More and Take Action at: http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=7136

See and act on all current Execution Alerts at

April 11: James Lee Clark, TX

April 24: James Filiaggi, OH

April 26: Ryan Dickson, TX


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