Friday 16 February 2007

Those who deny that Diaz (and others) did not feel pain are in a make-believe world

Of course Mr Diaz felt pain; the unanswerable question was how much?

This makes, according to Dr Heath, the use of an Electroencephalogram (EEC)monitor pure Hollywood; it looks good for the witnesses.

Dying is a traumatic and stressful experience; heart rate flip flops around, and the brain also indicates stress. Without a pre-execution tracing, immediately before the in injection of drugs, the EEC is meaningless; and brain activity will change from minute to minute.

It looks good for a video, but I do not believe that the EEC can distinguish pain from the "normal" stress of dying.It is all illusion, and not reality. The whole monty is a cheap trick to foist acceptability of this ghoulish procedure on a public that is uneasy about it now.

Add to this procedure the mandate that doctors get involved; while there is precedent for this (see the discussion in the British literature in the late 1890s to 1920, on how to make hanging more efficient) this was another era, another world. The latest Royal Commission study in 1953, reject injection because physicians had to be executioner, a reversal of the physician's mission -- primum non nocere-- first, do no harm.

The only way the Goons can around this catch-22 is to admit that pain is excruciating, and say "so what?". An Alabama Supreme Court Judge stated recently that Alabama is not obligated to follow rulings from the Supreme Court if it did not like to ruling; echos of the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, chaired by Jim Crow! This whole nasty business can have a major Constitutional repercussions, and gut the Supreme Court's role in criminal affairs.

Those who deny that Diaz (and others) did not feel pain are in a make-believe world who still think the world is round, when we all know that it is flat!


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