Friday, 9 February 2007

Death penalty panel seeks public comment

Death penalty panel seeks public comment

By Wire servicesPublished February 9, 2007By Wire servicesPublished February 9, 2007

TAMPA - The Governor's Commission on Administration of Lethal Injection will take comments from the public this afternoon.

The commission was formed after the Dec. 13 execution of Angel Diaz took twice as long as normal. An autopsy showed needles either dislodged or tore through Diaz's veins, spraying chemicals into his flesh, which caused footlong burns.

The commission was formed to review the state's lethal injection procedures, then provide recommendations to the governor by March 1.

The commission will hear public comment from 1 to 3 p.m. today at the Florida Bar office, which is located in the Tampa International Airport Marriott. Speakers will be limited to five minutes and must speak about lethal injection procedures, not the death penalty in general.

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