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Lethal Injection
Investigation of the lethal injection issue in US
Saturday, 30 December 2006
William Mathews role during Florida executions
His affidavit in Clarence Hill
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Florida issues
'As if in pain': Notes from Diaz execution
2006-260-Executive Order that creates the Governor’s Commission on Administration of Lethal Injection to review the method in which the lethal injecti
4 reporters subpoenaed
A circuit court questions the "experience and competence" of masked executioners.
A death is worth the wait
A DUVAL judge of course - appointed to the Florida commission by Florida Supreme Court
A Florida butcher - called medical expert - disclosed in Florida
A hood doesn't mask our failures
A list of 59 inmates executed since Florida resumed executions in 1979
A man in a white lab coat with a stethoscope hanging out of his pocket passed by behind us and went into the execution chamber.
About the Department of Corrections’ Task Force
Affidavit of Maxmillian James Changus, Florida DOC
Affidavit of Neal Dupree
After Flawed Executions, States Resort to Secrecy
Against death: Penalty opponents to speak
Aiding Executions Betrays Medical Values, Lancet Says (Update1)
Alan R. Doerhoff has overseen lethal injections since 1995 for the Missouri Department of Corrections.
All writs petition on lethal injection filed for dozens of Florida death row prisoners - named case Ian Lightbourne
American Medical Association, EMT Association Say Participation in Executions Violates Medical Ethics
American Psychological Association Calls for Death Penalty Moratorium
An EASY FIX from South Florida Sun-Sentinel Editorial Board
And so the question remains: did Florida brutally kill an innocent man last week?
Anesthesiologists Advised to Avoid Lethal Injections
Angel Diaz denied necessary public records by Florida
Anonymous Medical Professional was Dead Wrong in Lethal Injection Testimony
Another FLORIDA death row inmate walks a free man after 13 yrs on row
Authors' reply
Avant, j'étais pour la peine de mort - Joaquin Martinez - innocent and freed from Florida death row
Bad LI Botch in Florida
Behind the mask of the Mo. execution doctor
Black History Month: Leander Shaw
Board to study death penalty
Botched Diaz execution prompts further study by commission
Botched Execution -- Botched Protocol?
Botched Execution Demands State Scrutiny Of Lethal Injection
Botched Executions Challenge Medical Ethics
Bringing God to the despairing inmates on Florida’s Death Row
Bus to Starke to protest executions
Bush orders in-depth look at Diaz execution
Bush's brother suspends Florida death penalty after botched execution
Case for death doesn't hold up
Case inspires protest in Puerto Rico
Changes to execution protocol won't include different drugs
Charlie Crist initiated the warrant for Hill based on the SECRET new lethal injection protocol
Christ names ex-prisons chief , 4 others to lethal injection panel
Claims of faulty injection disputed
Cold facts of execution lead to scary conclusion
Comment to the Florida execution team
Condemned killer protests method as cruel and unusual punishment
Court rules against death row inmate
Crist initiated the Florida warrants and worked to hide the new Florida protocol. Now promoted to Governor
Crist sets new execution date
Crist to restart death penalty
Cruel and unusual
Dale and Sue Recinella will be featured
Dead man talking
Death penalty babble
Death Penalty Panel Is Nearly Finished
Death penalty study will be among first items for new Legislature
Death Row Inmate Dies Naturally
Deathrow warden back as a abolitionist priest
Deltona massacre legal bill a record
Denial - Florida education ...
Denial is progressive
DOC alters procedure for lethal injections
DOC is well-known for detailing everything except, apparently, what happens at an execution
Docket Marion Court - Florida lethal injection issue continues
Docket Marion Court - Florida lethal injection issue continues
Doctor Urges Discipline for Execution Involvement
Doctor: Execution flawed at start
Doctor: Execution not medical work
DOCTORS & EXECUTIONS: A complex dilemma of medicine, ethics and law
Doctors have a long history with executions
Does Florida care about the pain?
Double shot to stop the twitching
Dr. Nik Gravenstein, professor and chairman of anesthesiology at the University of Florida
Dr. William Hamilton - the Gainesville medical examiner
Drug Companies and Their Role in Aiding Executions
Editorial: Executions in Florida
Ethics clash with justice in executions
Even Bush's strongest critics could not doubt he had Florida's best interests at heart.
Excerpts from editorials in Florida newspapers
Excerpts from Florida's New Execution Protocols
Execution commission meets for second time
Execution debate renewed in United States
Execution lessons: too secret, too loose
Execution put under microscope
Execution Puts Crist To Test
Execution rules still inhumane
Execution suggests why Florida should relax case review rules
Execution went wrong; fix more than method
Executioner Needs Precise Training In Carrying Out Lethal Injections
Executioners Ill-Prepared, Some Say
Executioners need more training, Fla. panel says
Executions must stop
Executions Put on Hold in Florida and California
Expedience no reason to kill a man
Expert says IV mistakes were made in execution
Expert Weighs In On Botched Execution
Expert: Executioners Ignored Key Signs In Botched Killing
Expert: Key signs ignored in botched execution of Miami killer
Expert: Lethal injection executions need doctor supervision
Expert: Man likely felt pain during botched execution
Experts testify on botched execution
Experts Warn Execution Drug May Mask Suffering
Face truths about death penalty
Family denounces botched Florida execution at funeral in Puerto Rico
Filing to end lethal injection in Florida - the case of Johnny Robinson
Florida - An Arbitrary and Capricious Death Penalty System
Florida - December 13, 2006 Execution of Angel Diaz
Florida - He has been involved in 84 executions for 5 states and the Federal Government.
Florida - new DNA exoneration and now release after 24 years
Florida - Nothing unusual, only the length of time. Nobody saw anything wrong. Nobody did anything wrong. Nobody saw anybody else do anything wrong
Florida - Of course the Commission will conclude that there were no problems with the execution process, and that the world was flat.
FLORIDA - They butchered me back there. I was in a lot of pain
Florida AG's office witheld evidence and misrepresented facts
FLORIDA AGAIN - Exonerated prisoner embraces a new life
Florida and Lethal Injection
Florida botched execution history and the Florida execution team
Florida Commission Continues Work
Florida commission finishes lethal-injection review
Florida death penalty - Racial Disparities.
Florida Death Penalty and Politics
Florida Death Penalty Inquiry Welcomed
Florida death row UCI and Florida State Prison v execution chamber
Florida death work
Florida death-penalty system: In legal limbo?
Florida execution doctor - Rodrigo Quintana
Florida Execution Procedure
Florida Governor Halts the Death Penalty
Florida Governor Jeb Bush's Executive Order 06-260
Florida Governor says all protocols were followed in the execution of a convicted killer , which took double the usual time .
Florida Judge Imposes Stay On Lethal Injections
Florida lethal injection - MARION COURT
Florida lethal injection case - Marion Court today
Florida lethal injection protocol to use after August 16, 2006
Florida lethal past
Florida LI Panel at Work & Reverberations
Florida Mulls Lethal Injection Problems
Florida Panel Heard Testimony About Lethal Injection Protocols
Florida Physician`s Assistent William Mathews role during Florida executions
Florida Physician`s Assistent William Mathews role during Florida executions
Florida ready to resume executions
Florida remains closer to no more executions than to the next one.
Florida State negligence of danger during oral arguments in Angel Diaz
Florida Supreme Court order December 14, 2006
Florida Supreme Court order on extention of time December 14, 2006
Florida Supreme Court order on motion to be heard December 14, 2006
Florida Supreme Court orders the State to respond to all writ petition
Florida Supreme Court was warned, but insisted Floridas lethal injection procedure was safe
Florida Supreme docket - Angel Diaz body
Florida was warned over and over again and did not listen
Florida's 34 - minute execution fires up debate
Florida, innocence and arbitrariness
Florida’s lethal injection problems blamed on human error
Florida’s lethal injection statute violates the Separation of Powers Clause of the Florida Constitution.
Florida’s lethal injection statute violates the Separation of Powers Clause of the Florida Constitution.
Fort Lauderdale child killer to learn fate
From Angel Diaz
From Marion Circuit Court - Ian Lightbourne
From Standdown Texas Project about Florida
From the Docket in Marion Court, Florida - Ian Lightbourne on the botched Florida lethal injection procedure and history
God chose my uncle to change history
Governor Appoints Five To The Commission On Administration of Lethal Injection
Governor Jeb Bush orders moratorium after botched execution
GOVERNOR JEB BUSH/ Commission on Administration of Lethal Injection
Governor Suspends All Florida Executions
Governor to review execution procedures
Governor-Elect Crist Releases Statement on Diaz Execution
Health care professionals ought not participate in executions
Helping ex-inmates the smart thing to do
Hill v. McDonough
Holocaust denial
How can anyone justify this?
How homicide series unfolded
I believe that Florida Corrections are in the market to mystify the whole sick process;
Important Court Victory in Florida!
Impulse to kill a murderer is worng
In Florida the preliminary results of the lethal injection committee
In memory of Amos and Clarence
In memory of Angel Diaz
In what kuckuckfairyland is this Mr Bryant living in?
Inadequate anaesthesia in lethal injection for execution
Inadequate anaesthesia in lethal injection for execution
Inhumane penalty
Inmate Seemed Like He Would Never Die
Inmate's attorneys fight against execution
Inmates Probably Conscious During Lethal Injections
Interviewed the executioners himself - Florida
Is there a humane way to snuff out a life?
ISSUE: Bush criticized for halting executions.
It really sounds like he was tortured to death
It sounds like the DOC employees were at a different execution than the witnesses
It will be a mess
It would be impossible for the chemicals to be released into the tissues post-mortem
It's a shame it had to play out this way to get someone's attention
IV lines debated in inmate's botched execution
Jonathan I. Groner, M.D
Journalists subpoenaed to testify in lethal injection case
Judge Carven Angel listens to Senior Assistant Attorney General Ken Nunnelley
Judge orders halt to lethal injections
Judge Roberts Removed From Case
Judge: Spell out execution rules
Justice Anstead, Florida Supreme Court dissent - Arthur Rutherford
Justice Anstead, Florida Supreme Court dissent in Clarence Hill
Killing a father by snitch and torture - unamerican?
LAST IN : Florida Inmate found Not Guilty after 24 years
Latest from Marion Court today - Florida lethal injection
Latest from Marion Court today - Florida lethal injection
Latest from Marion Court today - Florida lethal injection
Latest Marion Court docket - Florida lethal injection
Lawyer Todd Doss warned against the DOC secrecy in Hill
Lawyers, death penalty opponents outraged by 34-minute execution
Lethal horror
Lethal injection : A closer look
Lethal injection changes proposed
Lethal injection Florida
Lethal injection Florida
Lethal injection Florida - a temporary stay is ordered
Lethal Injection Meeting
Lethal Injection Task Force
Lethal injection's humanity under increasing fire
Lethal injections may be ruled as unconstitutional
Lethal injections may cause suffocation
Letter to the president of the New Mexico State Board of Medical Examiners on Dr. Fred Pintz' involvement and assistance in procuring drugs for the ex
Lightbourne hearing grows heated
Lots of lethal injection inspection news
Man executed for Miami bar slaying takes 34 minutes to die
Many possible problems in an execution that could cause an inmate pain
Marion Court - Florida lethal injection - transcript
Marion Court - hearing continues May 21th - Florida lethal injection
Marion Court - hearing continues May 21th - Florida lethal injection
Marion Court - hearing continues May 21th - Florida lethal injection
Marion Court - lethal injection - transcripts released
MEDICAL DEATH TEAM - the profession can be PROUD
Medical examiner in boot camp death is ordered to work under supervision - Florida
Mental Disabilities
Method was challenged in the past
Michael Peltier: Another look at capital punishment
Missouri Says It Can't Find Execution Doctor
Mo. Execution Doctor Had History of Errors
More debate on problematic execution
More gruesome details from Florida
More than a little sickening
Motion to be heard
Mr. Diaz has made numerous demands for additional public records
No Training Required For Executioner
Nurses to look at death penalty
Observations Regarding Lethal Injection
Old questions raised by botch of latest execution
On this day in history Amos King was killed innocent in Florida by lethal injection
One of 3 Florida execution doctors
One of 3 Florida execution doctors
Onesided commission established in Florida to investigate Angel Diaz death
Our view: Executing justice
Padilla update
Panel finding answers elusive
Panel to discuss lethal injection issue
Physician Participation in Capital Punishment
Please meet the Florida Commission here - PUBLIC MEETING
Prison health care in crisis
Prison officials botched the insertion of the needles
Prison officials would not allow Selyutin to be interviewed.
Prison Workers Must Shape Up - Florida DOC - hopefully the execution doctors too ....
Pro DP persons do not see pain ......
Protecting Human Rights From Death
Recommendations coming on reducing errors in executions
Response to Creation of Commission on Administration of Lethal Injection in Florida
Review of lethal injection complete
Rolling execution closes chapter of area history
Ruling clouds death penalty cases
Second dose needed to kill inmate
Section 922.105, Florida Statutes, violates the Separation of Powers clause of the Florida Constitution
Slow death raises execution questions
Smith won't open execution inquiry
Some Examples of Post-Furman Botched Executions
St. Petersburg, Fla. _ Meeting of the Governors Commission on Administration of Lethal Injection.
State death penalty halted
State panel discusses how to execute criminals
State Senator May Request Audiotaping Of Executions
Statement from Secretary James R. Mc.Donough regarding the execution of Angel Nieves Diaz
Stop killing people who kill people
Sudden Death?
Supreme Court rejects appeals of killer set to die Wednesday
Surgeon cites link between lethal injection, Nazis
Suzanne Keffer, a defense attorney for Ian Lightbourne, argues that lethal injection could be cruel and unusual
Suzanne Keffer, a defense attorney for Ian Lightbourne, argues that lethal injection could be cruel and unusual
Thank you Dr. Yaes for a well thought out posting
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) panel on
The arbitrariness in the treatment of evidence of actual innocence.
The case of Arthur Rutherford - Florida
The Culture of Death Continues
The Department’s response to the Governor’s Commission on the Administration of Lethal Injection’s report
The Department’s response to the Governor’s Commission on the Administration of Lethal Injection’s report
The Department’s response to the Governor’s Commission on the Administration of Lethal Injection’s report
The execution team members in the botched execution of Jesse Tafero
The Exonerated - Florida - a broken system
The Exonerated - Florida - a broken system
The Exonerated - Florida - a broken system
The first public meeting of the new Governor's Commission on the Administration of Lethal Injection
The Florida doctor is embarrassing himself.
The Florida execution doctor - a hooded physician
The Florida execution doctor - NO MORE FLORIDA SECRECY
The Florida execution team
The Florida secrecy
The Florida SECRECY now disclosed
The Gainesville Sun shines some light on lethal injection
The Governor's Commission on the Administration of Lethal Injection held their first meeting
The Lancet September 24, 2005; v. 366, n. 9491, p. 1074
The Lancet September 24, 2005; v. 366, n. 9491, pp. 1073-1074
The latest lethal injection litigation in the Sunshine State
The lethal injection reply in Arthur Rutherford
The new Florida Lethal Injection Procedures and DOC Report
The new Florida Lethal Injection Protocol effective for executions after August 16, 2006
The new Florida protocol for lethal injection executions - questions to the Investigation Commission
The North Carolina Medical Board takes the position that physician participation in capital punishment is a departure from the ethics of the medical p
The only logical conclusion is there was gross negligence here
The other victims
The public wants to know
The state can't execute
The Whitewash Commission - Florida
There are problems with the Florida lethal injection protocol and those fears came to reality
They had to execute him twice
They were warned in appeal after appeal
This Dr X is lying and since he touted to be a qualified doctor, his lying is perjury before a legal commission.
This is a bit late, Jeb ....
THUMBS DOWN to the state of Florida
Time line - Angel Diaz execution notes
To declare that there is nothing medical about killing this way is like declaring that the Earth is flat.
To Florida State Prison to interview members of the execution team
To Obtain Public Records Florida - Rule 3852 i
To obtain public records in Florida - rule 3852 h 3
Todd Doss - the lawyer of Clarence Hill and now Angel Diaz family
Transcript - The Florida Governor's Commission on the Administration of Lethal met again February 19, 2007
Update Marion Court docket
Updates on the work of Florida's LI commission
US Supreme Court rules Florida death row inmate cannot appeal due to missed filing deadline
Wanda Valdes thoughts
Warden: Diaz Showed No Signs Of Pain In Botched Execution
Warden: Execution caused no pain
Warden: Inmate showed no signs of pain in botched execution
What is lamentable is the absence of disciplinary sanctions against licenses
What reporter turns down a story?
What we now have is a travesty, an illusion, and we will see more botched state sanctioned murders.
When Executions Go Wrong: A Horribly Botched Florida Killing Adds Strong Impetus to a National Reconsideration of Capital Punishment
When Law and Ethics Collide — Why Physicians Participate in Executions
When Should a Judge Face Discipline for What an Opinion Says?
Whose fault was it?
Why can't state stop botching executions?
Why else would there be a need for pancuronium
Why Physicians Participate in Executions
Will lethal injection woes speed abolition?
William F. Mathews role during Allen Lee Davis Execution
William Mathews active role is evident in this execution and the ongoing botched executions
William Mathews affidavit
William Mathews also related to the botched Florida execution of Pedro Medina
William Mathews attended 20 executions by 1990 - how many today ???
William Mathews in Pedro Medina botched execution
William Mathews in the botched execution of Jesse Tafero
William Mathews role during Florida executions
Witness: Condemned inmate's IV was OK
Amos King
Death Penalty Information Center
Fitted In
Florida Support Forum
Michael Mordenti Forum
Angel Diaz BLOG
Arthur Rutherford BLOG
Capital Defense Weekly
Clarence Hill BLOG
Danny Rolling BLOG
Death Penalty Course @ Moritz College of Law
Florida Issues BLOG
Florida wrongful convictions
Innocence Blog
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Sentencing, Law and Policy
StandDown Texas Project
The Innocence Project of Florida blog
The Nobel Peace Prize to George Ryan
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Blog Archive
Happy New Year for 2007 with the end of lethal inj...
William F. Mathews role during Allen Lee Davis Exe...
Rolling execution closes chapter of area history
Even Bush's strongest critics could not doubt he h...
William Mathews role during Florida executions
Saddam's fate fuels U.S. death-penalty critics
Research takes law student to death row
Who stands where on the death penalty
Critics say US orchestrated death sentence
There have been some cases where people have had t...
Editorial: Executions in Florida
What better way to demonstrate that it's wrong to ...
The Hanging of Saddam Hussein
House chairwoman opposes capital punishment
Saddam lawyer in last-ditch plea
Why Saddam Hussein should not hang
Breaking: Hussein's lawyers ask US court to stop e...
Lethal injection needs study
Capital punishment on trial
Death penalty support wanes as life without parole...
It's time to discuss giving it up.
Execution Date Set for Hamilton
FN advarer mot å henrette Saddam Hussein
Comments on Saddam Hussein's impending execution
The pending execution of Saddam Hussein
Defense Attorneys Say Indiana Death Row Inmate Is ...
State must investigate lethal injection process
Time running out for a cruel and unusual punishment
The Constitution, Capital Punishment And Clemency ...
Rise above barbarism of capital punishment
Botched Executions Challenge Medical Ethics
Execution debate renewed in United States
ISSUE: Bush criticized for halting executions.
A man in a white lab coat with a stethoscope hangi...
Prison officials would not allow Selyutin to be in...
Dead man talking
Prison health care in crisis
The Florida execution doctor - NO MORE FLORIDA SEC...
Ethics clash with justice in executions
Prison term favored over death sentence, new UK po...
France mulls death penalty ban amendment
The Fresno Bee: "No room for sloppiness"
Execution of former Texas drifter rescheduled
Mother Begs Governor to Bring Her Son Home
Section 922.105, Florida Statutes, violates the Se...
NAACP Death Row Report
New Serious Ohio Execution Date: Christopher Newton
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)...
Reid execution set for Jan. 3, 2008
The Florida secrecy
Some Examples of Post-Furman Botched Executions
Year of the Needle (year end review pt.2)
Florida, innocence and arbitrariness
Poll finds that Kentuckians prefer long sentence o...
Survey finds death penalty still opposed
Biros clemency hearing Jan. 4
A Look Back and Ahead In An Age of Neocon Rule
The arbitrariness in the treatment of evidence of ...
Facts about Deterrence and the Death Penalty
What's the Future of the Death Penalty in Maryland?
Florida death penalty - Racial Disparities.
FLORIDA AGAIN - Exonerated prisoner embraces a new...
Millions Misspent
Spare this insane man. Kill the insane system
Why not just stop killing the killers?
New reason for doubt on the death penalty
Cruel and unusual?
Death penalty miscue
Florida - new DNA exoneration and now release afte...
The Exonerated - Florida - a broken system
Another FLORIDA death row inmate walks a free man ...
Questioning Capital Punishment
Thoughtful reflections on the death penalty
Lawsuits putting executions in doubt
The other victims
Questioning Capital Punishment
A lethal dose of Eurothenasia
Charlie Crist initiated the warrant for Hill based...
The Florida SECRECY now disclosed
Florida AG's office witheld evidence and misrepres...
The new Florida Lethal Injection Protocol effectiv...
Condemned criminals' kin say they, too, are punished
In memory of Angel Diaz
Florida’s lethal injection statute violates the Se...
All writs petition on lethal injection filed for d...
To Obtain Public Records Florida - Rule 3852 i
To obtain public records in Florida - rule 3852 h 3
2006-260-Executive Order that creates the Governor...
Governor-Elect Crist Releases Statement on Diaz Ex...
GOVERNOR JEB BUSH/ Commission on Administration of...
The new Florida protocol for lethal injection exec...
After an execution, families of condemned often su...
God chose my uncle to change history
Cruel, unusual and in decline Editorial
Botched Execution Shines Light On Barbaric Aspect ...
Crist initiated the Florida warrants and worked to...
Editorial: Capital punishment on trial
Death sentences on decline with juries deciding
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