Friday 22 December 2006

From Standdown Texas Project about Florida

Florida Today carries an editorial, "Executing Justice: Use moratorium to start overhaul of flawed Florida death penalty system."

But it would be senseless to look at the Diaz' case -- and questions about sound or unsound execution methods -- in isolation, when the death penalty process in Florida is completely broken.

And the stay on executions could end as early as March if Bush's commission issues a report that just skims the surface of what's wrong.

An American Bar Association study conducted by a team of leading state prosecutors, attorneys and judges that was released in September cited more than a dozen glaring flaws.

The Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel columnist Guillermo I. Martinez has, "No humane way."

The Tampa Tribune has an editorial, "Botched Execution Demands State Scrutiny of Lethal Injection."

The Raleigh News & Observer has an article, Easley urged to halt executions."

Conservative columnist Cal Thomas has, "So what's 'cruel and unusual.'"

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